Safeguarding Training - Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults

We have a training package called Child Protection Awareness in Sport and Active Leisure provided through the NSPCC EduCare . This will provide you with the necessary basic awareness training to gain your GB Skate Artistic Licence.

This is an on-line training package and therefore can be completed at your convenience with no need to attend a face to face training session. There will be no time or expense incurred in traveling to and from a training venue. There will also be no delay in waiting for a training seminar to be organised and this will enable volunteers to gain their Safeguarding Licence much more quickly.

Educare Training Link

First Aid Training

As part of the Red CPU licence, first aid training is required. Please see below a link to a recommended first aid course

First Aid Training

GBSA Safeguarding Licences

GB Skate Artistic is committed to ensuring that child protection training and procedures are rigorous to ensure the safety of all those young or vulnerable participants in our sport. Each member's support and commitment to this is both appreciated and expected.

Licences are now renewed every three years and the Safeguarding Training, DBS check and First Aid for coaches will need to be updated.

Warning - If any candidate is found to have deliberately misled or falsified any aspect of their training and assessment, they will be referred to the GBSA Board for disqualification and the matter will be passed to the police for investigation.

Advanced Training

More advanced Child Protection training for coaches is available from Sports Coach UK and information about this can be found on the following website:

UK Coaching

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